I've had a lot of time off to think over the holidays, about my career, my future in Japan, and so on and so forth! I'll let you know about all of that in another post!
One thing I will talk about, is the future of this blog. I've tried a few things to keep the blog interesting, but I've not had much luck in keeping it updated! Part of the reason is because I really didn't feel that people were actually reading it! Not to mention the fact that it is quite tiring to translate all of my posts in Japanese every single time I write. I also realized that many Japanese readers aren't really familiar with Blogger. Most people make blogs on sites like Ameba or Livedoor that cater to a Japanese audience. Although I've been told by a few people that they've seen my blog, very few people actually leave comments on the message board.
So at first, I thought about closing this blog, and moving over to Ameba. I've kept an address on Ameba Blogs for a while now, but never used it.
I don't really know how to use Ameba, and I feel much more comfortable using software in English. Also, moving my blog to a Japanese site would make it very difficult for my English readers to post comments, and I would end up having the same issue.
Then I found the answer!
I've been on mixi for a long time, and even posted blogs entries in Japanese before I started this one.
So from today, I'll be splitting up my blog! The English one will remain here at
My posts in Japanese will now be on Mixi like before. Look for this user name: Oli!
I hope you'll check both blogs! The English one will be more personal and in depth, as it is my native language!
Here's a brief explanation in Japanese(that I also posted on mixi)
今マインにほぼ毎日アップデートしてるはツイッターですね!かなりはまってます。私のツイッター名はブログと同じくmoreolivia です!ぜひフォローして下さい!面白いよー。オリちゃん何してるのかな〜と思ったら、twitterにチェックするとすぐ分かる。私のストーカーなれるぐらい。
でブログを書きましたが、日本語と英語を分けて、別々のブログにします。これから mixiで日本語のブログやりますのでよろしくお願いします。
- Posted using BlogPress from Olivia's iPhone
Had to look you up after seeing you on the Ring Tour 2009 DVD. Look forward to hearing more about your expirences ^_^
Had to look you up after seeing you on the Ring Tour 2009 DVD. Your an amazing talent and I look forward to hearing more about your expirences ^_^
Thanks so much for the lovely comment Alan! I'm a little embarrassed because I haven't even watched the DVD yet!
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