Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hello everyone, I'm sorry again for the late posts!

I'm in Canada right now spending time with family!

Also, I was having a bit of computer trouble and had to send my laptop in for repair. Everything is okay now!

I have lots of pictures from the K tour, from PUSHIM and JUJU's shows as well. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures of home to post on the site later on! 

Also, from next month I'll be doing weekly themes for the blog!

YOU TUBE Mondays - I'll be posting links to my favorite videos, songs from my childhood, etc./今週のお気入りクリップ!

Healing Wednesdays - inspirational quotes or story of the week will be posted every Wednesday!/癒される、元気になれる/ポジティブなメッセージ!

Fashion Fridays - things in my closet! New trends that I like (and don't like!), fashion tips, and more. You know how much I love shopping! 大好き/大嫌いなファッションを紹介しまーす!

And for all those who have been waiting for video updates, don't worry! I haven't forgotten! I'm just trying to figure out a cool way to do it! もうちょっと待ってってね!

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